Friday, September 11, 2009

"Fall Down Seven Times, Stand Up Eight"

If I had to create a bumper sticker that modeled my philosophy for life, it would be "Fall down seven times, stand up eight". This motto relates to my life because I have been through many ups' and downs' and even though it might feel as if sometimes things couldn't get any worse you have to take a hold of the situation and make it positive. Everyday is filled with many obstacles and decisions that you have to live with. Many times I don't always make the right decisions; However, at the end of the day I try not to think about the poor decisions I have made and look forward to learning a lesson to never make those same mistakes again. I feel as if you have learned from a mistake then it has helped you grow as a person and you become more experienced in life.


  1. I agree with you how when things may not be going so well I need to think on the bright side. also i agree when you said you need to learned from your mistakes in order help you grow as a person. I like your bumper sticker. It is very creative.

  2. I agree as well, you have to learn from your mistakes in order to grow in life.

  3. Great motto to live by. Getting back up is hard to do but it makes you grow as a person.

  4. Hi John,

    That's a great motto to live by. I also like the quote from Mr. T :)

  5. good motto its easy to get knocked down but even harder to get back up.

  6. This reminds me of "try, try, try agian" and you eventully learn from you mistakes.

  7. Hard Work and Perseverance! I love it.

  8. Good bumper sticker! It seems like you are a determined person. Good quality!

  9. never heard of this motto, and it is a interesting one. its a great way to look at mistakes, and i feel the same way.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I agree with your bumper sticker it is important to not give up.

  12. Hi John,
    This motto is very true. We all have ups and downs, and the fact is that even from the worse situations there will be an up soon to follow. Sometimes it just comes and other times you have to work hard in order to achieve it.

  13. Great bumper sticker, Life is a huge lesson and you have to learn from it to become a better person.

  14. i like your bumper is not always a smooth ride,but we have to alway get up when we fall.

  15. Its true we all have to learn from our mistakes. life is all about making decision, you cant always make the right decition, but only learn from them and do your best to move on .

  16. You sound like a really smart guy John. It is so important to learn from mistakes and poor decisions because that is the best way to learn. Experience, adapt and move on. down seve, up eight!


  17. Yeah I like your motto man. Also, I like the style of your writing, it is very clear and fluid. Hope to see more of your writing soon.

  18. no matter how many times you fail, make sure you never give up and stand up strong and make sure you succed in the end. great motto.
