Saturday, September 19, 2009

Myspace Response Blog

MySpace and Facebook are social networking sites that millions of people use all over the world. They are a way for people to stay connected through posts, pictures, and events. The social networking sites are relatively new, with people continuing to join everyday. They are a great tool for people to use who like to know what their friends are doing, or to let their friends know what they are doing. With the Internet being the foundation for MySpace and Facebook there are many pros as well as many cons. The Internet is a great source for information and knowledge, however, people may not be who they seem to be online which can make it a very dangerous tool to use.

If you are a Facebook or MySpace user you can understand what a great tool it is for your social life. You can share a wealth of information with friends and family members. You can also see what is going on in their lives. The majority of social network site users are young adults who have grown use to the fact they can go online and find practically anything they want to know at the click of a mouse. It makes sense that someone would combine the Internet with a social networking organization. It keeps people in touch that in the past may have never kept in touch due to the lack of communication and technology.

Although MySpace and Facebook have many pros, there are cons that could be harmful or dangerous. Since you can share so much information on the sites there is always the possibility of someone you don't want seeing that information. There are certain security measures that you can take to prevent unwanted people from seeing your information but it is the Internet and nothing is completely private. The problem with child predators or sex offenders can also be a danger to users of a social network site since there is no real policing to prevent them from using the site. It can be extremely dangerous for young teenagers who get involved with people on these sites that trick them into meeting at a location and taking advantage of them. What you or your friends post on your MySpace or Facebook page can affect your career. Many companies and agencies are now looking at applicants social networking pages when running back round checks. What you have on your page could determine whether or not you get the job or not. People have to be cautious of their actions on their Facebook or MySpace pages or it could be costly.

As a Facebook user I understand how useful and convenient it can be when communicating with friends and family. I also know that you have to watch what you post, as well as who you allow to see your posts. I feel that social networking sites are an important part of our society and everyone should have the opportunity to use them; however, there should be safety measures put into place to protect people's privacy. For instance, I believe that people under the age of 18 should have their own specific social networking site separate for people over the age of 18. There should be security procedures in place to make certain the age of the user and what site they should be put into. You cannot completely eliminate the world of the social networking site, it is to much a part of our society and culture, you can only make rules to police it.


  1. Hi John,
    I also wish there could be better measure to police social-networking sites or a site that could only be accessed by minors. But when it comes down to it there is no way to guarantee that the users of those sites for minors are really minors. In the long run I don't think they should be prohibited in anyway and it comes down to personal responsibility.

  2. I agree with most of your post. The only part I agree with but don't think it would work, is the separate website for minors. I think a lot of kids like to act "like adults" and would just make up more fake profiles. In addition sex offenders would just have another website to troll for victims.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I like your point of offering solutions to the problem instead of saying that networking sites should make regulations and restrictions. I hope that social networking sites will consider your suggestions. ^__^
