Sunday, October 18, 2009

Rush Must Go!

Rush Limbaugh would be my number one choice to be voted out of the public eye completely. I believe him to be a total racist that has his own national radio show in which he can broadcast his bigotry. He is an extreme right wing conservative who speaks his mind with little to no penalty when he makes inappropriate comments. He has recently entered the public spotlight once again attempting to place a bid with a group to buy the St. Louis Rams, whom are a professional football team in the NFL. He has a cult following which is scary because it shows that their are many people in the United States who agree with his racist charged views.

For years Rush Limbaugh has been making inappropriate comments on his radio show with much controversy. I believe that is why he is so popular because he doesn't hold back, he tells it how he sees it which is most of the time shocking. For example, he said of the NFL, "Let me put it this way,"..."The NFL often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There , I said it". This is just disturbing comments that should not be acceptable, especially, when they are said on a nationally broad casted radio show.

Society should not accept this behavior through the media. It is pretty much saying that it is okay to make demeaning remarks about race. It is surprising to me how he is still on the radio after all of the controversy that has surrounded him throughout the years. You really just don't know what he will say next because he has already shocked many people with comments that he has made. The radio network and the sponsors for his show should not support someone with those kinds of views, we are a society of many different races and we have come a long way since segregation. It is almost like he is living in the past and that no one will get upset from what he has to say. It is about time that Rush Limbaugh is taken off the air and out of the public eye, he is nothing but a bigot.


  1. Well althoug I agree, we have to look at it from a different point of view. This country has freedom of speech. Everyone should have the right to speak their minds. So this is an example of the freedoms we have being respected. The terrible thing, is that we all know that to keep a show like this on the air, it needs ratings, if people stopped listening to his stupidities then he would be off the air. The problem is that people celebrate his racist rants.

  2. As sad as it is I agree with you and Josephina. I'm not a fan of Rush, Fox News or any other extreme right wing person. I think a lot of people forget that this nation is a nation of immigrants. Unless you are Native American your family had to come from somewhere. Although freedom of speech can not be denied by law. I feel that racism will never die as long as these people keep spreading the word.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I recently viewed a video covering the topic of Rush Limbaugh and the controversy of the NFL Crips and Bloods. One side they argued that Rush's comments was poking fun at the NFL players for their issues, such as Michel Vick and dog fighting. I think that Rush's comment was racist.

  5. hi john!I agree what you said, society should not accept this behavior through the media. They can not just accept this because in this country, everyone should have the right to speak to their minds .Especially rasism!If we want rasism to go a way,we should prevent this kind of behavior.

  6. it's true that Mr. limbaugh is free to speak his mind, but speaking to the public also demands some civil responsibility.comparing NFL to blood and crips brings nothing to the public discourse asides being racist.

  7. "I believe him to be a total racist that has his own national radio show in which he can broadcast his bigotry."

    Good point John.

    I'm going to have to agree with Chirs O - if you are given the privilege of speaking to the public from a position of power, you shouldn't abuse it.

    Good job debating ideas everyone!
